
My name is Charlie Rivera. I’m a Cyber Security Professional for over 13 years now. I’ve worked both in the private and public sectors, in Manufacturing and in the Financial Services fields. From Analyst to Engineer, I’ve worked in Identity and Access Management [IAM], Governance, Risk, and Compliance [GRC], and within Security Operations [SecOps].

In the private sector, I grew my career in Information Security [InfoSec] initially as a blue shirt [defensive] InfoSec Analyst, to a red shirt [offensive] Cyber Security [CyberSec] Engineer and Subject Matter Expert [SME] focusing on CyberSec Awareness, and Cyber Exposure. I took what I had learned and set out to help others learn about cyber security, or even assist them into changing careers into the Cyber Security field. It was the reason for creating th3cyb3rguy.

Currently in the volunteer & public sectors, I am a member of the FBI’s Infragard division, and a long-standing member of the ISSA local chapter, and volunteer with the BSides Greenville yearly security conferences. Having proven experience in Cyber Security Operations, and an understanding of attacker methodology including the tactics, techniques, and procedures, has gotten me to the level of Subject Matter Expertise [SME] in:

• Vulnerability Management• Email Security & Phishing Assessments• OSINT Reconnaissance
• Digital Forensics & Incident Response [DFIR]• Threat Hunting & Intelligence• Security Operations Center [SOC] Liaison

Now, as an experienced, certified, hands-on security practitioner, I continue to network, volunteer, mentor and contribute to many local cyber security, technical, and law enforcement affiliations to expand and grow cyber security awareness.

Charlie Rivera